Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Yes, This Blog is Alive!!!

Hi Guys,

It may seem like I've lost interest in the blog, but no, I've just been really busy.

Are you still there?

Anyway, as I was saying, I've been busy.

Sometimes working, oftentimes doing this:

Being a pig.

It's not funny anymore.

I almost fainted.

This morning when I stepped on the weighing scale.


The damn thing said I've gained back all the weight I lost on Cohen. ALL. Plus more.

Yes, I did a stint with the super effective weight-loss program awhile back, but quit after 3 months before my family had to confine me to a mental institution.

I was 20 pounds lighter, grouchy, hot-headed, psychotic. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming, "GIVE ME MY FREUCKIN' CHOCOLATES!!!!!!!!"

I kinda miss those days.

Especially when I see photos of success stories.

I don't know these women, but I have the utmost respect and admiration for all of them. 

And for my friend Jeff who was my inspiration for enrolling in the program. 

I am happy and proud to announce that he is still as fit as ever.



Gaggan's expression says it all. Wahahahaha!

I am not going back on Cohen. Oh, God, no. But I promise to eat at home more. And update this blog more. And try my best not order everything on the menu when I eat out.

I want a correct before and after photo.

And I want to get rid of my 2000+ backlogs.