Sunday, April 19, 2015



Hi Guys!

I know I've been away eating and not writing for Just. Tooooooooo. Looooooong. Trust me, my waistline is suffering from it, too.

BUT I am back and I am inspired to start blogging again. I kind of got sidetracked somewhere back there, but during this trip I encountered lovely people who reignited that little flame in me...

Like readers from Hong Kong who have been following my blog and guess where they caught up with me? At the tourist tax refund center in Barcelona! I mean what are the chances?!





Then there's this guy who sent me a photo of his room in La Villa Saint Germain with a message of thanks for sharing my hotel choice in Seville. Looks like he stayed in the exact same room I did in Paris! Check out my post on La Villa Saint Germain:





And from a guy who I hope will become master chef in the future.


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Then a message from a fellow Filipina in Madrid who wanted to meet up because I have been her source of restaurant information whenever she visits home. Too bad I only saw her message as I was about to leave Spain. :( Next time, Mika!





There are quite a few more and each one of them reminds me why I love blogging, aside from documenting my experiences so that I may remember them when memory fails me one day.

It is because it fills me with joy to see people create happy memories based on the recommendations I share... Birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, proposals, baptisms, and my favorite - honeymoons!

Speaking of honeymoons, a couple actually planned their first trip as newlyweds based on my Lyon posts!

They ate at my favorite bouchon, Le Garet:





And stayed at the same hotel, Le Royal, which I loved so very much and remains to be one of my favorite hotels in the world. See post here:





And look, @chefkathlyn and @boogieman909 not only created memories, they created a baby!!! Hehehe! :) I bump into their beautiful family in Rockwell sometimes. 





It gives me happiness to know that in my own little way, I am able to help people plan their vacations and special occasions, inspire them to travel, discover and enjoy the world, and to build their own memories to cherish for life.

And I have to say, I especially love it when this happiness comes with a huge box of Christopher Elbow chocolates!





What a delicious treat from a sweet couple who just chanced upon this site and found it helpful! :)



I miss this blog. I miss Manila. I miss Spain. And oh God, I miss the feeling of hunger! But I am sure not for long. Lol.

I still have a few Tokyo posts left so let me just finish those, and then it's Seville, Cordoba, Granada, Barcelona, San Sebastian, Burgos, Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, Vancouver, San Francisco, Napa Valley, Los Angeles, Seattle, Virginia, Beijing, Bangkok, Siem Reap, Bali, Baguio, Batanes, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, and just too many Manila restaurants to mention!

I may jump from one city to another depending on my mood. Chronology is boring.

For people who are impatient (ugh, there are just sooooo many of you! Lol!), I uploaded A LOT on my Instagram. You can search my hashtags (#jinlovestoeat + name of city) for specific posts. I also made sure to geotag them to make it easy for everyone to locate the places. Please don't be lazy and do a little research. I promise you it's part of the fun. :)

So there, welcome back to me and I hope you are all ready to virtually travel and eat voraciously with me!

Bon voyage and bon appétit!!!