Saturday, January 11, 2014

Manille Liqueur de Calamansi


Last Thursday I told Mom I would be home a little late because I was going to Niner Ichi Nana to attend the launch of a healthy fruit drink. 

I'm 34, but she seems to think I'm 4, that's why.



The "healthy fruit drink" was Manille Liqueur de Calamansi,
the newest product of Destileria Limtuaco




Richard Tiu, The 4-Year Old, Olivia Limpe-Aw of Destileria Limtuaco, Apa Ongpin




Manille is unique, zesty and fresh with a kick of calamansi. 
(It has some vodka in it, but Mom doesn't really need to know.)




Besides, I wasn't really BS-ing about the healthy part. Manille is an all natural product 
made using calamansi fruit from Mindoro, the calamansi capital of the Philippines.
You will find no artificial flavoring and preservatives in it. Only natural plant
pigments are used to enhance the product's color. Aaron will attest to this!




Manille Brand Ambassador Stephanie Zubiri-Crespi and her better half, Jonathan




Liza Ilarde and her calamansi necklace! 




Some ideas on how you can play around with Manille




Manille Whisky Sour
Manille, egg white, lemon juice, bourbon, sugar syup




Niner Ichi Nana Manille Signature
Manille, cointreau, orange juice, pineapple juice, tamarind




Manille Calamansi Meringue Tart




The ever so lovely Department of Agriculture Usec Berna Romulo-Puyat 
who always champions our local farmers. The production of Manille will 
help support Mindoro calamansi farmers and the Mangyan community
at the Tugdaan Center.




Look how lovely the packaging! Perfect to give as gifts to family and friends here and abroad!




Congratulations, Olivia!!! :)


Manille Liqueur de Calamansi is available at Landmark, Waltermart, SM Kultura, Unimart, Cherry Fooderama, Cash & Carry, Family Mart, Sta. Lucia and will soon be available at Shopwise, Puregold, Hi-Top, Mercury Drug and 7-11. 

Destileria Limtuaco Website