Thursday, July 4, 2013

Yardbird ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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If you do not like tiny, cramped and noisy places, what the heck, you should still drag your asses to Yardbird.

Because this most happening place in Hong Kong serves awemazing chow.



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Come early like 6pm if you're allergic to waiting coz Yardbird won't take any reservations



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Kitchen action



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Chic chopsticks




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KFC. As in Korean Fried Cauliflower.



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And what genius! Sweet and nutty, the most delicious way to eat your veggies!



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Sweet Corn Tempura. Boom! Boom! Boom!



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Grilled Maitake Mushroom



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Cucumber Salad



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Akagai Casino with bacon and panko. So good we had a second serving!



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Liver Mousse, Milk Bread, Crispy Shallots



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Assemble them on top of each other and enjoy the multitude of textures and flavors.
It's like hosting the party of the century right in your mouth.



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Chicken Oyster Yakitori - love these small juicy pieces of dark meat near the thigh



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Chicken Meatballs



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Perfect when dipped in tare and fresh egg yolk



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Chicken Tail - only for me because I like to eat ass :P



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Chicken and Egg Rice with peas and crispy chicken skin



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Nothing like Peanut Butter Ice Cream to end the meal



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Yardbird chili flakes souvenirs




Good food brings all ladies to the yard :P



Yardbird: 33 Bridges Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. Tel: +852 2547 9273

Yardbird Website

Yardbird Facebook Page