Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Marcia and Tony's Wedding Reception


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No, that's not Marcia and Tony. Har har. :P



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These two are :)



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Some sweets before dinner



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The Ballroom at Sheraton Hong Kong



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The Stage



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The Wedding Cake



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The VIP Table



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The Disco Ball. Hee hee hee! :D



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The Table Setting and Love Birds Giveaway



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One of the bottles



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The Suckling Pig Skin



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Sauteed Shrimp and Scallops with Seasonal Vegetables



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Braised Wintermelon stuffed with Conpoy



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Deep Fried Shrimp Balls stuffed with Egg Yolk and Goose Liver



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Bird's Nest with Bamboo Pith and Assorted Seafood



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Braised Abalone on Seasonal Vegetables in Oyster Sauce



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Steamed Fresh Coral Trout



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 My favorite! It was so fresh it made my lips sticky and all.



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Crispy Chicken Marinated in Garlic



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Fried Rice with Kale and Seafood



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Pan Fried Shrimp Dumplings with Superior Soup



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Sweetened Cream of Walnut Soup with Sesame Dumplings



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Chinese Petit Fours



I love weddings because they make for a mini family reunion. ♥


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Congratulations, Lovebirds! :)


Read about Marcia and Tony's Tea Ceremony here.

Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel: 20 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: +852 2369 1111

Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel Website