Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Maison Georges Larnicol ♥


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Eating a Maison Georges Larnicol kouignette is #56 on my Paris To-Do list, so I was ecstatic when I stumbled upon his shop on my way up to Sacre Coeur.  

Oh how I love it when the universe conspires to give my heart's desires! :)



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Maison Georges Larnicol's got all kinds of sweets



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From chocolate ships



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To chocolate Eiffel Tower



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To chocolate discs topped with fruits and nuts



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Flavored meringue



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Macarons in chocolate shoe



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Dark chocolate sticks with fruits



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Ready-to-eat salted caramel in pots



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Also this super cute Miss Chocolate t-shirt that I so wanted to buy. 
Unfortunately, it didn't come in my XXXL size. Pfffffttt.



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And of course, the #56 on my list - the kouignettes



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I bought three to try: Chocolate, Almond and Pistachio
If there is one thing you need to know about kouignettes, it is that they are loaded, and I mean
SERIOUSLY, EXTREMELY, FRIGHTENINGLY loaded, with butter and sugar.



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SOOOOOO sweet I couldn't taste the chocolate at all!



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You know I love anything sugary but this was just waaaaayyyyy over the top.
It was dry and tough and cardboard-y, too. :(


I was too afraid to even touch the pistachio kouignette.


Suddenly I was homesick for Chef Cyrille's kouign aman.


Maison Georges Larnicol Website