Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chan Lim Chinese Painting Exhibit at the Mall of Asia


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Last Sunday, we went to Mall of Asia to check out the Chinese painting exhibit by the Chan Lim Family of Artists and Students. 

My Auntie Babyruth is one of the students. She's got serious talent! 



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Of course, Mom insisted on this photo op before she would let me in.
She loves everything red, round, and fat.



The exhibit showcases 234 Chinese paintings on scrolls, lanterns and fans.

There were cherry blossoms, too! I know they're fake, but I love them still! :)



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 This man looks so lonesome. It called out to me.



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This one's my favorite. I want it for Valentines! 



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This one, too, thank you!



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The top one is by Auntie Babyruth



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Auntie Babyruth's 



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This one entitled "Toys" is by an 11-year old named Zea.
Isn't it just too precious?



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Finally, some food!!! :P



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The main event is this gigantic fan painted by the whole Chan Lim team



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To kick off the event, the Grace Christian College Chinese Orchestra serenaded the guests with
Chinese music. Look at all the cool instruments! 



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That's Auntie Babyruth in red. Clap! Clap! Clap!



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Guess what else I saw? Artwork by my high school classmate Jolex!
All those years and I didn't know he could paint!



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Jolex Chan Lim.
And just so you know I possess some sort of talent aside from eating…
My dress, I painted it! :) 
#amalayer #JinOnlyKnowsHowToEat



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 Just beside the exhibit is this pillar covered in Year of the Snake fortune.
Mom refused to leave until she memorized Every. Single. Word. 



The Chan Lim Chinese Painting Exhibit at the Mall of Asia is ongoing until February 17, 2013. Go na! :)

Chan Lim Website 

Chan Lim Facebook Page