Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Morning of My Sister's Wedding


At 8am on my sister's wedding day, we went down to Circles to grab some breakfast.

Weddings are quite demanding, so I made sure I ate enough for energy, but not too much so my gown won't rip and fall apart on me.

This is what controlled eating in the morning looks like for me:


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My first plate



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My second plate


I was quite proud of myself, thank you! Hee hee hee.

And then the preparations began. 


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The theme was 1920's vintage and comics. (I know, right???) 
Dior Co did a really amazing job on us!



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I contributed, too, by helping button up the wedding gown :P



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Mom put on her earrings



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My sister Jerrilyn helped with her shoes



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Dad with her veil



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My brother was busy capturing all these beautiful moments. That's him and his fiancee Kim.
They're next, not me! :) 



This chubby little cute pie was busy chatting on the phone



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And Frances, the Maid of Honor, was there to cry



I am in love with the bouquets by Fiori di M



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The bridal bouquet was so timeless and tasteful I had to stop myself many times from tasting it :P 



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Check out the super cool Mother of the Bride's bouquet! Comics, remember?



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By the way, this was the wedding invite :)
And that soap smelled exactly like Bazooka!!!



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I love the details on the wedding gown



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Actually, I love all of the gown




Looks like Jamie wanted to marry it, too!



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Everything was so perfect




The beautiful entourage



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Us :)



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And just like that, our baby is now a Mrs. Ong :)