Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kanyoen Yakiniku Restaurant ♥ ♥ ♥


We were not hungry. Really.

We were just sticking to our schedule which said dinner at 8pm.

It wasn't our fault that we finished lunch at 5:30pm. Rico was to blame. His pigs were late.

We just had enough time to check in at the hotel, laze around a bit, shower and change for our yakiniku dinner. 



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At 7:45pm, our bellies were still stuffed, but more than ready for Kanyoen



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Yukke Sashimi - this chopped sirloin marinated in sesame oil and mixed with raw egg
was so divine it was gone in a flash



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Senmai Sashimi - the raw ox tripe had no distinct taste, I think you eat it more for the texture 



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Namayasai Salada - simple but satisfying



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The non-beef eaters had Tontoro Yaki, a special Japanese marbled pork
(They grilled this first, of course.) 



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 And Wakadori Momoyaki, chicken thigh in mixed sauce



The rest of us went on a beef-eating spree:


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Tanshio - ox tongue seasoned with salt and pepper



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Leba Yaki - veal liver with mixed sauce



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Jo Karubi - special boneless short ribs with mixed sauce



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The Jo Karubi was excellent. We made sure each of us had his own plate of this tender beefy
goodness to avoid any fighting and name-calling and kicking under the table.



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Some vegetables to balance the meal



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Yakiniku time!!!



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Until now the sight of this makes me drool



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This is how I like to eat my beef - topped with kimchi and wrapped in lettuce



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Some sake to warm the stomach



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And hot tea for the kids. I wanted to take home the super cute teapot!



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We were sad that Kanyoen doesn't serve desserts, and raised our snobbish eyebrows (some of
them eyebrows were fake, lol!) at these complimentary lychee jellos. WTH! They were frozen! 



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But turned out they were extremely delicious frozen! It was like eating lychee sorbet in little cups.
I vowed that when I get back to Manila ima freeze all that jello at home! 



It was a perfect first dinner in Cebu.

Everyone had an amazing time cooking and eating.


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Obviously, someone enjoyed it more than the others.
If Jin loves to eat, her cousin-in-law Ton undoubtedly loves to eat more!


Kanyoen: Ground Floor, Castle Peak Hotel, F. Cabahug Street, Mabolo, Cebu City. Tel: +63 32 232 2989