Monday, October 22, 2012

My Auntie Pattycakes! :)


This is my Auntie Patty.


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I love her because she can be so kengkoy



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I love her because she likes to force feed her kids (therefore, she reminds me of Mother)



Most especially, I love her because she sends me all these goodies at 9:30 in the evening (therefore, I don't need to go raiding the kitchen when the clock strikes twelve).



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Last night she sent over Oreo Cupcakes. Yeah, all six of them, baby!



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Oreo on top, oreo at the bottom, and all that oreo cream crowning glory!



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Tonight she sends over a Strawberry Shortcake (she made this from scratch!)



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It's not yet midnight, but really, who can resist???


Thank you so much, Auntie Patty! I hereby nominate you Best Neighbor of the Year! :D