Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Les Halles de Lyon ♥ ♥ ♥


It was drizzling and freezing on my last morning in Lyon. But I braved the public bus system, got off at the wrong stop, got lost, got hot chocolate from McDonald's because I couldn't stand the cold, got panicky, almost gave up but thankfully didn't... before I finally found Les Halles de Lyon. Whew.

I was searching all over for a market that looked like this


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Didn't know the most famous food attraction in Lyon was hidden inside this uninviting,
cold-looking glass structure



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Les Halles de Lyon is an indoor market (I know that now, hee hee!) with about 60 food traders. 
Feels like a boutique market with stalls and stalls of everything I've ever wanted to eat in France.



Cheeses, meats, terrines, breads, oysters, salads, pastries, macarons, jamon, fresh fruits, dried fruits, CHOCOLATES… I was besotted!!! 


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Each stall was mesmerizing and the choices were endless. I felt like a little child on Christmas eve.

I had:


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From Rolle...


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Tartar de saumon et petits légumes and mousse de foie gras amandes pistaches



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From Sibilia...


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Rosette tranchee


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Pate en croute au foie gras


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Jambon Persille



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From Giraudet...


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Soups in bottles!


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I chose the Pink Soup, because it was pink! It was chilled and tasted of apples and beets.


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Sliced squid ink quenelle (because it went beautifully with the pink)


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Strawberry cupcake



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From La Mere Richard...


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My favorite Saint Marcellin cheese


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So soft, gooey, creamy, silky, mushroomy, truffly, earthy.
I was so happy I wanted to cry.



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This is paradise! :)



Les Halles de Lyon: 102 Cours Lafayette, Lyon, France