Saturday, October 20, 2012

Au 14 Fevrier ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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As soon as I saw the fork door handle, I knew this was gonna be an interesting and quirky meal.

I was wrong about the quirky.


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There was absolutely nothing kooky about Au 14 Fevrier. The one Michelin restaurant by Chef Tsuyoshi Arai screamed bold and sexy.

Japanese staff + French cuisine + Japanese precision (+ English skills, thank God!) = one of the, if not the best, meals I've had this year.

The food was innovative yet sophisticated. 

Every dish tasted amazing and was visually spectacular I didn't know how the next course could top the previous one, but it always did.



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The crystals are beautiful


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And the cutlery, too. I wanted to put them one by one in my bag when no one was looking. :P



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Yuzu-infused champagne and a thin slice of sausage plastered on paper thin brioche.
How cool is that???



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Amuse bouche was a refreshing and creamy green apple and olive oil concoction served in a tube,
and this superfreakindelicious satiny chicken liver mousse on a fuzzy piece of endive.
I could have this again and again. And again and again. 



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 Soft boiled egg with mustard sauce and chorizo. The flavors competed with each other in my mouth. 
I closed my eyes and surrendered to the indescribable pleasure. I dipped the potato waffle in it.
And when all that precious liquid was gone I broke the eggshell and licked dry the delicate little 
pieces. (You cutesy spoon with little heart, you... I wanted to steal you, too!) 



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OMG it's a heart bread!!! I heart this heart bread with French butter.



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Red and green tomatoes with cheese in a tomato-watermelon gazpacho. Revitalizing!



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The size of the foie gras made me squeal with delight. The rich, meaty, buttery umami paired perfectly
with the fig glazed with balsamic vinegar and the sweet and nutty pumpkin mousse



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Langoustine with zucchini flower and bouillon of bonito. The shellfish was cooked impeccably.
I was blown away by how the fish broth was so insipidly thin yet was able to pack a gazillion flavors.



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The kind server recommended this bottle to go with the rest of my meal



Worried that I was getting full, she also asked if I wanted smaller portions for the courses to follow.

HELL NO!!!!!!

Of course, even in my state of deep shock, I managed to reply with a smile and a graceful, "Non, merci."



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Codfish with cepe sauce. The chef added some croutons into the dish, giving it some crunchy
 excitement. Genius.



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Pigeon with pigeon sauce. So tender and gamey. I likey.



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Pre-dessert was lychee, raspberry and a rose petal arranged in a martini glass...



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… and sprayed with a champagne emulsion



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Ta-da!!! It tasted so pretty and feminine I could easily down another 3 of this.



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Mango with passion fruit cream, salted caramel ice cream and coconut sauce.
Tasted every bit as delicious as it sounds. 



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Surprise! The shot glass was edible, too!



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Mignardises: chocolate macaron, haribo candy ice cream cone, and white chocolate covered... 
… umm… what's the name of that yellow fruit again?



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Please pardon the mental system failure. My brain cells crashed the moment I bit into this
mega-sensory pleasure overload.


Here's a virtual tissue to wipe off your drool.


Au 14 Fevrier: 6 Rue Morguet, 69005, Lyon, France. Tel: +33 (0)4 78 92 91 39

Au 14 Fevrier Website