Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jin Yakiniku ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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We were wandering around the Amerikamura area in Osaka looking for dinner and guess what we saw! 


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A wagyu beef yakiniku place named after me! Yay!!!



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We decided right there and then that Jin would be dinner!



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Beef anatomy



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Didn't know this place is quite famous! Wow!




Jin taking photos of Jin :P



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Cold tea and Asahi



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 Salt and soy



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I love fresh garlic in my dipping sauce



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Everything was in Japanese so we just pointed at the mouthwatering photos 



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We chose the most handsome plate with different cuts

Jin Yakiniku serves only Japanese Black Kuroge Wagyu. Hello, Beautiful Marbling!!!
A closer look at the seductive meats:
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And then it's grilling time!
(Which also means eating time for me! Whee!!!)
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 We also cooked some fresh garlic in oil
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Then cooked our beef in the garlic-infused oil. ORGASMIC!!!!!!!!
Soooooo good I was caught eating more rice than I should! :P
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Spotted on the shelf: Lilo and Stitch plastic wares. Lol! :D
Jin Yakiniku: 2-9-17 Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan. Tel: 06-6211-6165