Friday, April 6, 2012

Tonkichi ♥ ♥ ♥


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Fueling up before a day of shopping.


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Seeds and sauces



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The server instructs us to grind the toasted sesame seeds till fine and powdery.
But first I poke my nose into the bowl and inhale deeply the nutty aroma.
The smell makes me deliriously happy.



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I like to do mine slowly and gently, making sure to leave most of the seeds whole,
some coarsely crushed, and only a little powdery. I prefer to grind the seeds with my own teeth.



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New Tonkichi Set for 2 + 1
Here in Tonkichi, three is never a crowd :)



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Deep fried awesomeness galore: breaded pork loin, pork fillet, prawns and oysters
We ordered additional 3 pieces of fried scallops, too.



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The set comes with 3 bowls of rice, 3 bowls of miso soup...



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… and 3 plates of sweet watermelon wedges



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Just enough to feed three hungry bears: Me, Frances and Nikko.



Tonkichi: G/F, The Toy House, 100 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: +852 2314 2998