Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Honeymoon Dessert 滿記甜品 ♥ ♥ ♥


The best thing about summer?

Cold, sweet, creamy soups!

In Manila, we have halo halo.

In Hong Kong, there's Honeymoon Dessert.


My favorite things to order:


IMG 6504

Durian and Grass Jelly in Vanilla Sauce 榴槤白雪涼粉



IMG 3489

Grass Jelly in Vanilla Sauce with Green Tea Ice Cream 雪山白雪涼粉



IMG 2640

Mango Pomelo Sago 楊枝甘露



IMG 4445

Mango Pomelo Sago with Green Tea Ice Cream 雪山楊枝甘露



IMG 6501

Mango and Grass Jelly in Vanilla Sauce 芒果白雪涼粉



IMG 3933

Red Bean Soup with Grass Jelly and Vanilla Ice Cream 雪山紅豆涼粉



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Mango Pancake 芒果班戟



IMG 3940

Chocolate Glutinous Dumpling 巧克力糯米糍



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Durian Glutinous Dumpling 榴槤糯米糍



IMG 6506

Sweet Ball in Almond Soup 湯丸配杏仁茶



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Baked Mashed Taro Sago Pudding 焗荔茸西米布甸



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Elisa, Sherylou and Me
Guess who ate the most? ;)



Honeymoon Dessert 滿記甜品: Many locations across Hong Kong. See all branches here.
