Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!


In the future when I have my own family, I want to have all these silly Christmas photos…


christmas-family-pictureWith our heads popping out of huge gift boxes


enhanced-buzz-24817-1292954530-12Us jointly forming a human Christmas tree


enhanced-buzz-24831-1292958760-12Us pretending to be fresh pine trees in the forest


enhanced-buzz-24821-1292954836-10Us believing we are reindeers who are parents to a puppy


enhanced-buzz-24731-1292954250-15Errr… okay, maybe I’ll scrap the furry and shiny Mrs. Claus Spanxofadress


enhanced-buzz-24828-1292954759-12And I definitely won’t allow my kids to dress up so Nightmare Before Christmas


enhanced-buzz-24831-1292954323-10Or my husband to show off he has longer hair, bigger boobs and
smaller stomach than me


slide2231But I MIGHT consider this IF a miracle happens and I get to own that
0% fat, perfectly toned, tanned and chiseled body

(All awkward photos grabbed from here)


IMG_8810But for now, it’s just me (fully dressed), Santa, and our favorite pet Rudolph


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Party smile