Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lan Fong Yuen 蘭芳園 ♥ ♥


Taking a quick break from shopping...


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Of course, quick break involves quick eating

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It is full house at Lan Fong Yuen



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So I third wheel with this couple on a date



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I order Chicken Steak with Prestige Onion Sauce "Lo-Ting"
(Seriously, that's what is says on the menu)



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Should be Chicken Steak with Prestige Onion Sauce "Lo Ting" with Hair, hehe :P



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Hair or no hair, I wipe out my plate in no time



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And wash everything down with a cup of milk tea



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So cheap yet so good!



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Plus, I love this personalized stool



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Next time I'll order the "Yuen-Yeung" Foreigner Rice



Lan Fong Yuen 蘭芳園: Shop No.26, B/F, Chung King Mansion, 36-44 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Tel: +852 2316 2311