Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wine and Cheese Tasting and Workshop




Dear Readers,

You know I don’t usually do (actually, I’ve never done until this moment) events promotion, but this one is for a really good cause, plus it’s my cousin Ryan’s project.

So if you love me (hehe), COME!!!

You will be drinking and learning about traditional and organic wines from private first-class vineyards, munching on cheeses and good food, AND supporting Project Oasis in uplifting the lives of the children in Smokey Mountain. They’re converting a dirty 1,000-sqm. area of Smokey Mountain into a beautiful and clean playground! Hooray!

Tell me, is there a better way to spend a Thursday evening?


After the workshop and with the guidance of the experts at Sommelier Selections, you will be a genius on:

- Tasting wine and describing its aroma, color and taste
- Serving and storing wine
- Pairing wine with food
- Recognizing the different grape varieties
- Appreciating the benefits of drinking wine

All that for only 500 pesos!


So on Thursday, May 19, be kind, be helpful, be at Wack Wack Golf & Country Club at 6:30pm.

I know you love me, so SHOW UP! Winking smile
