Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Scandinavia Trip Day 2: Copenhagen


We are all up and ready at 6am today only to find out that because it is a weekend, breakfast doesn’t start until an hour later. Oops.

So we pace back and forth the restaurant door and at 7am sharp, we have a hearty breakfast then we’re off to do some city touring.


This is the Queen’s very own yacht. Ooh la la.


And this is where she hangs out before boarding her ooh la la yacht.
Check our the crown on top of the structure.


Windmills produce an average of 21% of Denmark’s electricity. Wow.


Then we go see The Little Mermaid. Her life story is like in the fairy tales except it is not a happy ending. The prince married a human princess, the mermaid returned to sea, turned into foam and died. Tragic.


230217_10150169278464570_510889569_6558481_1074413_nThe sad, sad little mermaid


The moral of the story:

1. Do not wish for things you cannot have.

2. Be happy with who you are.


Actually, I saw Little Mermaid when she was at the Shanghai Expo for 6 months. According to our tour guide Brad, the Danish were not too happy with the excursion. It was like sending the Statue of Liberty to China. When they got it back they had to turn the mermaid upside down to make sure it didn’t say “Made in China.”

Har. Har. Har.


Helping each other up


The Gefion Fountain. It is said that the Swedish King Gylfi promised the legendary
Norse goddess Gefjun all the land she can plow in one night. And guess what she did?
She turned her four sons into oxens. Way to go, mom!


229241_10150169278599570_510889569_6558485_3190956_nFinally, a group photo


Thank you, Ms. Chinese tour guide!


Then we head to the Royal Family’s winter residence…


Amalienborg Palace


And see how lucky, we are just in time to witness The Changing of the Guards.
Excuse me, lady!


228266_10150169279479570_510889569_6558500_4901990_nFace to face.
The guards are wearing special uniforms because today, April 16, is the Queen’s birthday.


223195_10150165456907293_718632292_6919366_2194330_nThis is what happens when you try to stand too close and act all flirty with the guard. 
He suddenly bangs his rifle hard on the ground and you get this photo with that priceless shocked expression on your face. Leave the poor guard alone, Frances!


While my tour mates hoard everything in the souvenir shop…


I have a photo op with this ugly troll


Then we visit the original Carlsberg Brewery. They don’t produce beer here anymore.
It is now a museum, souvenir shop, bar, etc. etc.


226157_10150169279644570_510889569_6558504_2567753_nMini truck


222546_10150165458622293_718632292_6919386_1610811_nSuch heavy girls!


229780_10150165459107293_718632292_6919389_4905368_nVintage cars and more vintage cars


Old Man Carlsberg and Young Man Carlsberg


223066_10150169280329570_510889569_6558517_6553011_nCarlsberg beer through the years


“The human skull was also used as a drinking bowl.” Eeep.


Barrels and crates


230288_10150169280474570_510889569_6558522_6943533_nAt the table with Carlsberg founder J.C. Jacobsen, and a very drunk Vibson




Heavy machineries


Each admission ticket includes 2 complimentary bottles of beer.
So I guess it’s drinking time!!!


228188_10150165463567293_718632292_6919481_1272852_nWe each pick a different beer to try and exchange the rest for bottles of water.
Only because there’s no chocolate milk.


223299_10150165463777293_718632292_6919487_20717_nOf all the glasses, I like Tuborg best. But what I like the bestest are the bags of chips.


228473_10150165464622293_718632292_6919499_1953046_nDrinking responsibly with the parents. CHEERS!


Of course, we gotta hit the souvenir shop.

Cool statement shirts


Beers, beers, everywhere


These life-size elephant statues (there’s another on the left not seen in photo) guard the main gates of Carlsberg Brewery. Why elephants? Because they are very strong and trustworthy animals, and they have long life.


227065_10150165465102293_718632292_6919507_6044901_nLunch is at Restaurant Cassiopeia
Erwin, Me, Frances, Douglas, Florence, Felisse, Ernest, Uncle Frank


Diners enjoy a fine view of the beautiful Skt. Jørgen Lake


And here’s another fine view. Ha ha ha.
The Fatterside cousins with Auntie Melinda and Uncle Victor.


                             Bread and butter                                                               Potato Soup

                  Meatballs and Potatoes                                                          Chocolate Cake


225104_10150169281519570_510889569_6558552_7951493_nAuntie Atis and her Tabasco addiction


Next we go to the Christianborg Palace which also houses the Danish Parliament. We walk through the Royal Reception Rooms, but the Queen works here so we are asked to wear blue plastic covers over our shoes and are prohibited from taking photos.


So there, we just do what we can do – a photo in front of King Christian IX's statue.


On the way to our next destination, Nyhavn, I notice the city is full of Mercedes Benz taxis


225064_10150169282149570_510889569_6558561_3462623_nThe Memorial Anchor


226355_10150165467687293_718632292_6919566_166616_nHuskies on steroids!


Cowboys and errr… dogs?


I so love my adoptive family! Smile


Nyhavn, or New Harbor, is a 17th century waterfront.  It was originally a busy commercial port where ships from all over the world would dock. The area teemed with sailors,
ladies of pleasure, pubs and alehouses.


For lazy people who do not wish to walk, there’s the canal tour for you.


230178_10150169282304570_510889569_6558565_8201480_nNyhavn is now lined with brightly colored 17th and early 18th century townhouses,
bars, cafes and restaurants. We enjoy hot chocolate in one of them cafes.


Historical wooden ships


227637_10150169282269570_510889569_6558564_3931921_nBrightly colored townhouses built with wood, bricks, and plaster.
The oldest house, at No. 9, dates from 1661.


That red house behind us belonged to Hans Christian Andersen


227306_10150169283194570_510889569_6558579_5208947_nThese doors and walls are things of beauty


             Waffelbageren Ice Cream Shop                                “I only have ice for you” Hehe.


215662_10150169283029570_510889569_6558577_7104047_nThat’s the Copenhagen Opera House behind us


Dinner is at Kartoffelkolderen, the same place where we had lunch yesterday.

                         Bread and Butter                                                                  Tomato Soup


           Pork Chop in Mushroom Gravy                                            Ice Cream on Fruits


Such a lively building


Then we go to Tivoli Gardens, which just opened for the season yesterday.
Easter eggs and bunnies welcome the guests.


We are given one hour only to enjoy the biggest amusement park in Denmark (WTF?)


Naturally, we only get to see a tiny portion of the park.


I want so badly to ride…

The Golden Tower free fall, The Demon rollercoaster…


and the Vertigo. But our one hour is up and we have to leave. Boo.


217078_10150169264964570_510889569_6558322_6617709_nSo we just let our imaginations run wild back in our bus Open-mouthed smile