Monday, April 11, 2011

Mister Donut in Taipei ♥ ♥ ♥



Taipei and Manila are just 2 hours apart.

How can their Mister Donuts be worlds apart?

Go run to your nearest Mister Donut shop in Manila, and then check out some of the doughnuts I am enjoying at Mister Donut in Taipei.


mister donut taipeiStrawberry French


mister donut taipeiWhite Cocoa French


mister donut taipeiStrawberry Cream


mister donut taipeiWhite Cocoa Chocolate


mister donut taipeiPon de Fancy Strawberry


Watch and weep, my friends, watch and weep. Nyah-Nyah


Can I finish my doughnut now?


Mister Donut Taipei:  See list of branches here (Chinese only)