Friday, April 1, 2011

Du Hsiao Yueh 度小月♥


IMG_0076Du Hsiao Yueh is a Taiwan institution for Dan Tzai Noodles


IMG_0096Can you believe, it is now 116 years old


IMG_0084The place is small so come early


IMG_0086Fill up the order form


IMG_2466Pick your noodles


IMG_0083And he’ll make it for you


IMG_2472Most people like it with soup


IMG_2482Like this grandma does


IMG_0099But I like mine dry. 擔仔麵(乾)  Dan Tzai Noodles (Dry)
Honestly, I think it’s a bit overrated.


IMG_0103蒜泥白肉 Garlic Pork – the meat is not as tender as I want


IMG_0106黃金蝦捲 Deep Fried Prawn Roll – pretty good


IMG_0107特製油雞 Marinated Chicken – silky and tasty


IMG_0110烤虱目魚肚 Roast Milk Fish Belly – nice


IMG_0111香酥蚵仔 Deep Fried Oyster – just okay


IMG_0112烤下巴 Roast Fish Jaw – desperately needs more seasoning


IMG_0098涼龍鬚菜 Cold Chayote with Sauce – looks prettier than it tastes


IMG_0116炒山蘇 Stir Fried Bird’s Nest Fern – so delicious I forget it’s healthy


IMG_0114Sharing 7 bowls of noodles (plus other dishes) amongst 6 people:
Uncle Frank, Dad, Cherry, Auntie Baby, Frances and Me


Du Hsiao Yueh 度小月: No. 180, Section 2, Chung Shan North Road, Taipei, Taiwan
台北市中山區中山北路二段180號. Tel: +8862-2585-1880