Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Real Coffee ♥ ♥ and Parasailing ♥ in Boracay


The Famous Calamansi Muffin.

Everyone is talking about it so of course, we give it a try.


This is what we think of it…

               I am pleased.                               Sherylou is happy.           And Sheryl is having orgasms.



IMG_1201All belted up and ready to fly!


P1000185Someone is scared to death


P1000186Stop freaking out, Jen! You’re freaking out my freakin’ eardrum!!!


P1000189Up, up…


P1000194… and away! WWHHHEEEEEEEE!!!!


Taking off is the fun part. Staying up isn’t.

After negotiating long and hard with our vendor for an extra 5 minutes in the air, we’re up and back on the boat in less than 10 minutes. And so ready to barf.


Real Coffee: Boat Station 1 (between Free Willy Dive Shop and Hawaiian BBQ), Boracay Island, Aklan, Philippines