Friday, December 17, 2010

Iggy’s ♥ ♥ ♥



The Miele Guide No. 1 Restaurant in Asia.

The S Pellegrino 28th Best Restaurant in the World.

Ooh la la.


IMG_1637The dark, sexy hallway that leads to the dining room


IMG_1569The smoked parmesan butter is soooo delicious. I want to spread it all over my body.


IMG_1555Chicken lollipop and ham on meringue
If there weren’t so many couples holding hands and looking lovingly into each other’s eyes, celebrating solemnly some special occasion, I would have squealed and jumped around the place in delight. The chicken skin lollipop is insanely delicious!!! So fatty and so very good! The ham is rich in flavor and not too salty, perfect with the meringue that dissolves in my mouth like magic. And it’s melon flavored, too! Incredible!


IMG_1560Fresh oysters with raw beef
The freshest taste of the sea and the cleanest taste of beef. Can’t get any better than this.


IMG_1565King crab, Oscietra caviar, uni
The crab is plump and tasty. I suck on the shell to make sure it’s dry, not wanting to waste one drop of its sweet, sweet essence. The hint of nuttiness in the caviar pairs beautifully with the creamy and buttery uni. And that green thing slowly melting away…
wasabi snow! Oooohhhh!!!


IMG_1578Langoustine, tomato, radish, watermelon, sherry
So where is the sherry? It’s infused into the slice of yellow watermelon! Also, in case you don’t know, that’s dill jelly you see at the bottom. The details are amazing, but sadly, they don’t really do anything for me taste-wise.


IMG_1585Foie gras, egg, onion, chanterelles
This is done chawanmushi style, adorned with chanterelles and blanketed with a delicate cepe sauce. I notice that the foie gras tastes very creamy, to which our server explains it is because they poach the liver in milk before pan frying it. No wonder!
Beautiful, exquisite aftertaste.


IMG_1595Alba white truffles, spaghettini, poultry jus
So simple yet so sublime. I could only wish for more truffle shavings.


IMG_1600Sanma, olive, thyme, wild rice
The fish is simply grilled to let it’s flavor shine. And shine it does. So bold and so beautiful. The pop rice adds a lot of excitement to the dish.


IMG_1609Venison, pumpkin, dates, coffee
The heat of the pepper, bitterness of the coffee, mild sweetness of the pumpkin and the very distinct sweetness of the dates blend wonderfully. This course is good but I wouldn’t say it’s great. My favorite thing on the plate is actually the ricotta-filled dates.


IMG_1610Pre-dessert: Pineapple, ginger ale, basil


IMG_1612Fresh pineapple marinated in vanilla oil, basil granita, and sorry, that white thing is not ice cream. It is… brace yourselves… ginger ale with liquid nitrogen! Very refreshing.


IMG_1617Blueberry, calamansi, cream cheese, salt
Enjoy blueberries in three ways – fresh, meringue, and sorbet. Love the calamansi curd
and cream cheese show. Excellent.


IMG_1621“Can I try all?” I bat my eyelashes flirtatiously at our server


IMG_1626And it works!
Chocolate truffle, gin and lime (almond-shaped), pistachio cookie, rosemary financier
(with gold leaf), pineapple caramel (golf ball), chocolate marshmallow (cube)
and white chocolate with pink peppercorn (go figure, hehe)




IMG_1634Green Tea


I love how the glass doors open, close, and frost up. 

IMG_1597They open when there’s food ready to be served


IMG_1548They close when there’s none


IMG_1598And they frost up when the kitchen is done for the night.


I just had to. Hihihi. Smile


Iggy’s: Level 3, The Hilton Hotel, 581 Orchard Road, Singapore. Tel: +65 6732 2234