Monday, October 18, 2010

潤記粥麵茶餐廳 ♥ ♥

A few people are starting to complain that I only eat at expensive, chi-chi restaurants.

So not true.

When hunger strikes, I go to the nearest restaurant and eat whatever the server recommends. I’m easy (and impatient) like that.

Like on September 27. Walking to the North Point MTR station, I feel the first pang of hunger. I look to my left and this is what I see.


IMG_0579 潤記粥麵茶餐廳 Run Kee Congee and Noodle Cha Chaan Teng


And I obediently eat what the waitress recommends.

IMG_0574Wonton Noodles – not bad at all. The wonton is filled with delicious meat and shrimp,
the noodles springy, and the soup tasty. Thank you, waitress!


IMG_0576And of course, my cha chaan teng staple – hot milk tea


I am now HK$25 poorer, but my stomach 2.5kg richer/heavier.


潤記粥麵茶餐廳: G/F, 166 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong. 北角渣華道166號嘉威大廈地下. Tel: +852-2561-1181