Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cafe Landmark ♥ ♥ ♥

I met Edward through a friend of a friend. It is really too complicated to explain the connection so I’ll just stop attempting now. Anyway, Ed and I meet up for meals when he is not too busy with work or when he is not in Australia supervising a project, or back home in Shenzhen where his family lives.

A structural engineer by profession, and a good friend by unprofession, Ed is always encouraging, and always happy to try out new restaurants with me. Tonight, we decide to meet in Central and pick a restaurant we both haven’t tried. But suddenly it rains and I don’t want to leave the dry and air-conditioned comforts of The Landmark.


IMG_6568Hence, Cafe Landmark


IMG_6570 Crabmeat au Gratin – plump and juicy chunks of crabmeat baked in just the right amount of cream sauce and cheese that always leave you wanting more


IMG_6571 Shrimp Cocktail – succulence


IMG_6574 Beef Consommé – flavorful but I like my soup rich and creamy


IMG_6581 Lobster Bisque – now this is what I’m talking about. That crustacean umami, a bit of smokiness and a drizzle of cream. Aye, this is how all soups should be.


IMG_6583 Grilled Sea Bass with Potato Galette and Sautéed Spinach – and isn’t this thing just too cute to eat?


IMG_6588Sea Bass Innards – perfectly cooked fish on a bed of spinach and creamy, super thin potatoes. Heavenly.


IMG_6587 Lobster Linguine – there is totally no scrimping here. The lobster meat, the lobster sauce, the lobster essence that has seeped into the perfectly al dente pasta, this dish shouts the best flavors of the sea


IMG_6592 Panna Cotta with Mango Ice Cream – light and delightful


IMG_6595Tiramisu – rich and chocolatey


The food in Cafe Landmark is always reliable. It is unpretentious, no-nonsense, simple and delicious.

Just like my friend Ed.

But I’ll leave it to his wife to attest to that last adjective.


Cafe Landmark: Shops 107-108, 1/F, The Landmark, 16 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, Hong Kong. Tel: +852-2526-4200