It is that time of the year when I just want to be alone. Alone in my presence, alone in my thoughts.

Okay, the date is a giveaway, but you all know how delinquent I am, and you all forgive me
because I am cute, right? Errr… please?

Baybayon. My home for the night.

A plush king-sized bed fit for a queen (ahem!)

The Baybayon room comes with a daybed, too, and it is where I have my breakfast next morning.

Slippers at Abaca are made from abaca

Abaca’s very own English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English Dictionary

Check out the detail on the bathroom door handle

The door opens up to a simple yet modern shower area

And THIS! Woohoo!

Cotton pads, balls and buds

My room opens up to a lovely pocket patio

And that lovely pocket patio gives me this view

Rise and shine!!! Breakfast in the comfort of my room

Delicious freshly baked breads, homemade jams, fresh orange juice

Abaca Eggs Benedict – poached eggs, crostini, shaved ham, tomato hollandaise,
herb potato hash. The best I’ve ever had!

French pressed coffee and raw sugar
I spend the day swimming, snacking, sunbathing, reading, napping, snacking, lazing around, amidst couples snuggling, romancing, hugging, kissing, etc. etc.
Abaca has an in-house spa, too, but that has to wait until my next visit.

Abaca Spa Entrance

Abaca Spa Reception

Abaca Spa Reception Area

I think this is a beauty
I have a romantic dinner by myself, amidst couples smiling, holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears, etc. etc.
I do not mind. I care only about the food, and the food at
Abaca Restaurant is so wonderful it deserves a separate post of its own.

My mojito night cap
For a different experience the following night, I request to be transferred into the second floor suite, Panganod.

My home for the second night. No, not the wooden banca, duh!

Panganod Room

Panganod Bathroom (I am standing in the shower)

Tub or bed? Hmmm…

The Panganod room opens up to a small terrace

With the view of Abaca’s infinity pool and the beautiful ocean

When I wake up the next
morning noon, I tell my butler (yes, you get a butler who
services you 24 hours!) I wanna have my breakfast in one of the cabanas

I can get used to this forever

Cinnamon Brioche French Toast with Candied Orange and Berry Compote, freshly baked breads, fresh watermelon juice, cappuccino
I want to live in Abaca forever.

A bag of beautiful seashells, a gift from Abaca
Abaca Boutique Resort + Restaurant: Punta Engano Road, Mactan Island, Lapu Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines. Tel: +63-32-495-3461, +63-32-236-0311