Saturday, August 14, 2010

Shanghai Series: Chun Restaurant 春餐廳 ♥


Not only because I love the novelty of dining in a private kitchen, but also because The Wall Street Journal dubs it as Shanghai’s four hot tables, that this shoebox of a restaurant Chun (or Spring in English) immediately makes it to the top of my eating list in the city.

We arrive a bit early. Ms. Qu, the proprietress/cook/waitress/busboy/cashier  of this 20-year old dining establishment welcomes us and seats us at a cramped corner table – one of the four hot tables in Shanghai, mind you. And while taking note of our food preferences (nothing too oily as per mom), she starts doing this to our chopsticks.


IMG_6345Why buy chopstick holders when you can use the wrappers? Gotta love the creativity.


“A couple of appetizers, a shrimp dish, a fish dish and soup are what I am going to serve you. Anything more than that will be too much and a waste of food,” she says matter-of-factly.

Seriously, Ms. Qu, do you SERIOUSLY know who you’re dealing with?


IMG_6348Duck leg in sweet brown sauce – everything, and I mean everything in Shanghai is about this sweet brown sauce. Honestly, it is nothing special.


IMG_6350 Purée of broad beans with Chinese pickles – tastes a bit too funky for me


IMG_6352Gluten with peanut, mushroom and black fungus – the only dish I really like


IMG_6353Steamed shrimps – totally forgettable


IMG_6356 Pompano fish - doused again in the holy trinity of soy sauce, sugar and oil


IMG_6358 Chicken soup – with much oil and little chicken flavor


Honestly, I think the food in Chun is highly overrated.

But dining in such a cramped space, seeing potential customers peeking in and being turned away, and having to walk thru some small alley across the street to get to the ladies room, these make eating at Chun a unique Shanghai experience.


And really, who can resist that tweetum pose?

Ms. Qu, Dad, Mom, me


IMG_6361Do not ever underestimate our eating powers


Chun Restaurant 春餐廳: 124 Jinxian Road, near Maoming South Road, Shanghai, China. Tel: +8621-6256-0301