Monday, July 5, 2010

Prince Albert Rotisserie ♥ ♥


Being the spoiled brat that I am, and the super giving person that he is, what is supposed to be a business presentation dinner at the function room of InterContinental Hotel turns out to be nice, relaxing dinner at Prince Albert.


IMG_5579Amuse Bouche

Salty, tangy and sweet, this salami-sundried-tomato-balsamic-vinegar concoction does an amazing job whetting our appetites. Seriously, I cannot help drooling inside my mouth. I look at the smile on his face and know immediately he is thinking the same thought... Skipping the business presentation dinner is the best decision he’s made all day.


IMG_5584Braised Burgundy Snails in Fresh Herbs and Garlic Butter

The waiter explains that for hygienic purposes, the restaurant has stopped stuffing escargots into shells. That’s alright because we are here for the plump and delicious snails, not their pretty shells. 


IMG_5590Lobster Bisque with Cream Foam and Grissini (half portion)

You know right away this is made from the freshest ingredients. Albeit lacking the ooomph factor, this rich and smoky soup gives great comfort to the soul.


IMG_5592 Caesar Salad with Parmesan and Bacon Crisp (half portion)

Prepared from scratch at our tableside, this salad is crunchy, creamy and… full of fat!!! I wish I didn’t see how much oil and eggs went into the dressing. Perhaps it is all psychological, but I feel a bit nauseous after finishing my share. The dressing needs more vinegar and anchovies.


IMG_5598 Peach Sorbet – not really strong enough to cleanse the palate


IMG_5607Pan-fried Chilean Sea Bass Fillet with Leeks, Potatoes, Truffle Oil, Goat Cheese and Mango Samosa

The mango samosa is really good. Sadly, it is the only item on this plate that is. The sea bass is miserably overcooked. Dry. Rubbery. Unforgivable.


IMG_5601Oh, Prime Rib, you must save the day!


While waiting for our slab, I overhear a waiter say to the next table, “You must try our prime rib, Sir. Without the prime rib, there is no Prince Albert.” A dramatic pause follows to give the diners time to absorb what he just said. Then he continues with an air of pride and a hint of arrogance, “I know this because I’ve been here for 25 years already.”

Such strong, proud and confident words. Wow.

My expectations shoot up to the highest level.


But getting the prime rib in the doneness we want proves to be a major pain.

IMG_5610First it arrives way overcooked.


IMG_5615Then it arrives a bit too rare.

A bit too rare is no problem. I ask the waiter to remedy it by giving it a 5-second press each side on a very hot grill. This will cook the steak a bit and bring out the flavors I love.

After 20 or so minutes, the waiter comes out with the same piece of steak, charred and shrunk to half its original size. WTF?!? The plate does not even touch our table. I dismiss it right away.


IMG_5617 I have no choice but to attack the Yorkshire pudding and baked potato. Burp!


And finally, when I am already too full from all that starch, it arrives.

IMG_5619Roasted US Angus Prime Rib with Red Wine Sauce

This is how I want it done. A bit browned on the outside, red and warm on the inside. This could have been an excellent prime rib, except they forgot to put the red wine sauce this time.

And they also forgot to clean the grill after heavily charring the previous steak on it. 

IMG_5624The result: dirty steak, dirty plate. Tsk tsk tsk.


IMG_5622Chocolate Soufflé with Chocolate and Vanilla Sauces

This is a lifesaver. Light and soft and fluffy, soaked in vanilla sauce and drizzled with chocolate, this soufflé easily makes up for all of Prince Albert’s earlier boo-boo’s.


Spoiled brat. That is what I am.

And I am thankful. Because despite all my boo-boo’s, there are still people who indulge me, give me the time of day, and succumb to my unreasonable, exorbitant, irrational, foolish and indulgent requests. 

Lucky spoiled brat.


Prince Albert Rotisserie: G/F, InterContinenetal Hotel Manila, 1 Ayala Avenue, Ayala Center, Makati City, Philippines. Tel: +632-7937000