Saturday, July 24, 2010

Harbin Series: Orient King of Dumplings Ӫ

Our very first night in Harbin.

We are freezing and starving.

We order enough food to feed a small country.


IMG_9092粉腸 & 肝腸 Pork sausage and liver sausage


IMG_9099紅油豬耳 Pig ear in chili oil


IMG_9100 五香牛肉 Five spice beef


IMG_9101豬手 Pork kunckle


IMG_9104 山东拌菜 Shandong beef-vegetable mix


IMG_9107 韭菜豬肉煎餃 Pork and chives fried dumpling


IMG_9108三鮮水餃 Three delicacies dumpling


IMG_9103羊肉萝卜湯 Mutton radish soup


IMG_9110 虾仁菌菇湯 Shrimp and mushroom soup


The dishes are bland, the soups are oily.

And there is just too much skin on the fried and boiled dumplings.

Out of nine dishes, they only got one right.

Shandong beef-vegetable mix. That’s the only one I like.

Orient King of Dumplings, you do not deserve the crown.


Orient King of Dumpling 东方饺子王: 39 Zhongyang Dajie, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. 黑龙江省哈尔滨市中央大街39号 Tel: +86451-84855111