Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sweet Stuff by Jill ♥ ♥ ♥




Seriously, Jill, are we really friends? Why do you put me in the Cookie Room when I stay over at your house? Do you think it is funny torturing me all night with the wonderful sight and smell of your baked goodies? How do you expect me to have a good night’s rest when the sole reason for my being lies there in piles, in full view in front of my bed. Tell me, Jill, why do you do this to me?

Yes, you did let me have a piece of your famous Ice Cream Roll before bedtime, that ice cream roll so light I don’t feel a bit guilty after polishing off the whole thing. With every mouthful you amaze me with how you keep the cake so soft and moist even below 0 degrees. Spill, Jill. Or else.


IMG_7686 Ice Cream Roll


I toss and turn all night, not able to sleep because I hear muffled cries.

Jill’s prisoners. Crying out to me. Crying out for help.


I help them. All of them. One by one. I tear open the wrappers that hold them captive. I help them escape.

Ahhh… the taste of freedom.


IMG_7828Dark Chocolate Lace Cookie
Super thin layer of dark chocolate in between super thin and crisp layers of oats. Not too sweet. But not too not-sweet. Delicate. Pretty. Easily my favorite.


IMG_7754Spiced Oatmeal Cookie
Big rolled oats, plump and juicy raisins, chunky walnuts and cinnamon spice make this cookie oh so nice. Another one of my favorites.


IMG_7772Walnut Brownie
Crisp and crumbly on the outside. Soft and fudgy on the inside. Walnut overload. It cannot be a bad thing.


IMG_7921Fudge Brownie
If calories scare the daylights out of you, just inhale. This fudge brownie is so chocolatey rich you can already taste it just by breathing it. But don’t be a wimp, this is worth all the extra extra extra calories.


IMG_7922Revel Bar
Oatmeal bar with dark chocolate peeking out here and there and everywhere. It looks a mess. But a delicious mess it is.


IMG_7930Food for the Gods
Because only the Gods are worthy of such goodness. Amen.


IMG_7789Fruitcake Cookie
Fruitcakes. The only thing about Christmas I dread. I hate all fruitcakes. I hate them with a vengeance. All but this fruitcake cookie. Oats, dates, walnuts, brandy. And not just any brandy, mind you. Jill steals her dad’s expensive brandy to make this. Sorry, Jill’s dad, but I love it! It tastes like how Christmas should be. Merry. Give this to all the Grinches out there and turn them instantly into jolly old Santas. Ho! Ho! Ho!


IMG_7816 Gingersnap
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire… A bite of this ginger cookie transports me to a warm and cozy cottage, with Christmas tree dressed in beautiful lights, Christmas stockings by the fire, me on a rocking chair looking out the window, watching beautiful snowflakes blanket the ground. Try it to believe.


One by one I save these babies. I free them from their brown foil torture chambers and deliver them one by one into the safety of my stomach.

You’re safe now, my babies.

You’re home.

And as for me, well, what can I say?

I am a hero.


Sweet Stuff by Jill: 496 D. Jakosalem Street, Cebu City, Philippines.

To order, contact Jill at +6332-2532299, +639173210700, +639322315342