Thursday, November 5, 2009

Vero ♥ ♥ ♥



Despite having lived in Hong Kong for 3 years now, I still feel like a tourist sometimes. And nothing can make me trek up to an unfamiliar place. Nothing, really, but promise of good chocolate. And when that promise is backed by Terence, who has impeccable taste in food, I go trekking up unfamiliar places after work, albeit unsure I can get there before the 7:30pm closing. I am coming all the way from the Clearwater Bay boonies after all.

I arrive at Vero 7:15pm, panting.

Panting for the hot chocolate “so good and so rich you’ll be too full to eat anything else after it,” according to Terence.


vero hot chocolate

And it is exactly how he describes it. So good and so rich. Be still my heart. This is chocolate multiplied by a hundred. This is chocolate on steroids.

And I have to say, that layer of chocolate on top is just brilliant. I derive intense pleasure from the sight of it melting into the cup of hot chocolate, and I am torn between wanting to see it melt completely, and wanting to lick the whole thing off before it disappears.

Oh Terence, but you underestimate me! After the hot chocolate, I still have space for brownies. Ha! And as soon as the first chunk disintegrates in my mouth, I close my eyes and say a prayer of thanks for the extra extra big stomach space God has endowed me with, because Vero brownies are just out of this world!



I know it does not look like much, but I swear these are the best brownies I have ever had, and I’m sure you don’t need any convincing that I have had a lot. The people at Vero stuff this piece of brownie heaven with so much chocolate and walnut chunks that it’s almost excusable to think that you are biting into a nutty chocolate bar. Vero, vero sweet, and vero, vero good!!!

Next time I shall try the Taro Earl Grey & Rosemary Cake + Muffins Tasting Menu the Bon Vivant Jason writes about in his blog.


Vero: 1/F, Fenwick Pier, 1 Lung King Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 灣仔龍景街   1號分域碼頭海軍商場1樓. +852-2559-5882