Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dynasty 滿福樓 ♥ ♥ ♥


I am not really a big fan of Chinese food. I like strong and wild flavors. They excite my taste buds. Chinese food is just too tame for me. Well, Cantonese food at least. So every time friends come to Hong Kong and ask me for Chinese restaurant recommendations, I am always at a loss. But if they ask for good cha-siu (barbecued pork) recommendations, then I start raving about Dynasty. But this girl knows her cha-siu! And yes, it’s because cha-siu is sweet. Tee hee.

Parents in Hong Kong.

Want good cha-siu.

And dimsum.





IMG_9783Crispy Cha-Siu Bun 脆皮叉燒包 – This arrived cold so I found it just ok, a bit disappointing even. Would have fared better if served piping hot.


IMG_9784Braised Baby Pig Knuckles 鹵水豬腳仔 – If you like chewing on anything soft, fatty and salty, then this is for you. These knuckles are so tender and succulent, definitely a winner!


IMG_9785 Chicken Feet in Abalone Sauce 飽汁鳳爪 – Despite most people’s apprehensions about this bony and cartilage-y terminal part of a bird’s leg, chicken feet is the bomb! And Dynasty’s version does not disappoint. Really tasty peanuts, too.


IMG_9789 Salt Baked Chicken 鹽焗雞 – This is so silky and fragrant that my ever conscious mom happily eats a few pieces without even taking off the skin. A round of applause for the bird!


IMG_9788Cha-siu and Roast Goose Combo 叉燒垪燒鵝 – The roast goose is surprisingly very good, even better than Yung Kee’s I daresay. The meat is tender and juicy, and the skin is not too fatty and has a nice crisp to it that you’d think the goose is actually fried. But aaahhhh… it is the cha-siu… that red bundle of sliced piggies glistening in all its gloriousness, with just the right amount of fat to excite cholesterol levels. This cha-siu is The Star. It is a pleasing, comforting sensation in your mouth that soothes rather than titillates. Soft, sweet, and porky. Dynasty’s cha-siu gives pigs a good name.


IMG_9791Pea Shoots 上湯豆苖 – When you live away from home, you gotta show your parents you are capable of taking good care of yourself. You order veggies. But this one is so good that when I polish off the whole plate, I tell you, it isn’t just for show.


We also order the Claypot rice with Preserved Chinese Sausages 臘腸煲仔飯, which is delicious, but the server put it on a separate table, and I am too busy stuffing my face to get up to take a proper photo. Sorry, but sometimes I just get carried away.


IMG_9795Red Bean Soup 紅豆沙 – Pretty good, better than what most restaurants serve.


IMG_9793Mango Pomelo Sago Soup 楊枝甘露 – I can confidently say, the best in Hong Kong!


IMG_9796aMy Dad, My chicken skin convert Mom, Me


Dynasty 滿福樓: 4/F, Renaissance Kowloon Hotel, 22 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 尖沙咀梳士巴利道22號九龍萬麗酒店4樓. Tel. +852-2734-6600