Sunday, August 23, 2009

Royce’ Nama Green Tea ♥ ♥


Leaving Tokyo feels like saying goodbye to your summer fling.

You realize that days have passed en masse, and before you know it, it is already time to leave. It is agonizing, it is mind shattering. It makes you want to grab whatever memento you can to remind you of the short-lived love affair – a hanky, a piece of clothing, a photo…

At Narita Airport, frantic to find that something to take with me before I part ways with my hot, delicious, and sizzling summer fling that is Tokyo, I rush about the terminal, I skim the shops frenziedly. I panic. I sweat. And still I see nothing. The boarding announcement comes on. I feel like crying. Defeated, I make my way back to the boarding gate. And then there it is.


I find it.

My Something.

My Royce’ Nama Green Tea Chocolate.




IMG_1036Soft. Smooth. Creamy. Green Tea-y.

Mild green tea powder greets my tongue. The chocolate starts to melt. I taste the freshest cream in its softness, smoothness and creaminess. Green tea flavor envelopes me. Subtle, sweet, grassy, milky, green.  A flashback happens in my mouth.

I taste the green tea at Steak House Satou where I had an out of this world steak meal. I taste the green tea at Daiwa Sushi where I experienced the sexiest sashimi on rice, the green tea at Ten-ichi where my wallet paid a fortune for so-so tempura, the green tea at Maisen where I fell in love with Pork, the green tea at Seryna, at Okame, at Gonpachi

I smile. I remember all my moments with Tokyo - the sizzling hot moments, the frustrating moments, the erotic moments, the orgasmic moments…   Royce’ Nama Green Tea Chocolate. The perfect memento.

Now I am ready to say goodbye to my summer fling.


Royce’ Chocolate: Narita International Airport. Also available in Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore, Bangkok, and Kuala Lumpur.