Sunday, July 26, 2009

100% Chocolate Cafe ♥


Because it is hailed as The Cocoa Nirvana by Luxe Guide Tokyo and has even made it to the very short list of things they love about the city, we spend a good 30 minutes under the scorching sun for a taste of what this chocolate paradise offers.


100% chocolate cafe tokyo  56 flavors of chocolates


We try not to order everything on the menu, which surprisingly is not difficult at all, as the selection at this place does not do much to arouse the chocolate maniac in me. Their cakes look dry and boring, the chocolate creams not dark and rich enough.


100% chocolate cafe tokyoWafflate with Bitter Mocha Chocolate Filling


100% chocolate cafe tokyoChocornet with Almond Milk Chocolate Filling
Iced Dark Chocolate

Wafflate and Chocornet: BLAH and BLAH-ER. I truly cannot comprehend how they manage to land a place in the must-try list of top Tokyo guides having these mediocre at best items as bestsellers. You can get same quality (and even better, I do not doubt) waffles and chocolate-filled breads any day at your neighborhood bakery.

Iced Dark Chocolate: After the two extremely disappointing chocolate nirvana wannabes, this drink comes as a pleasant surprise. Rich, smooth, silky, and just the right sweetness, this is love in a glass.  And it is the ONLY reason this cafe is not getting a Ӫ from me.


100% chocolate cafe tokyo Date-Stamped Chocolate

A nice way to remember your date of visit. Or a reminder of how VERY late this blog entry is! Tee hee hee!


100% chocolate cafe tokyo I want all of this in my room!!!


100% chocolate cafe tokyo

I would say 100% Chocolate Cafe appeals more to the sight than to the taste. The tiffany-blue-chocolate-brown color scheme, the candy-colored wrappers, the chocolate bar ceiling, and a wall showcasing 56 flavors of chocolate cream, this place does much to excite The Chocopeoples but does little to keep them coming back.


100% Chocolate Cafe: 東京都中央区京橋2丁目4-16. +813-3273-3184